Unser Musikmoment 2022 – amiamusica am Frühgeborenenfest

Anfang September 2022 veranstaltete das UniversitätSpital Zürich zusammen mit den Spitälern Zollikerberg und Triemli erneut das Frühgeborenenfest. Ein Event, der das Leben kleiner Superheldinnen und -helden feiert. Familien, deren Kinder den Start ins Leben auf der Neonatologie verbracht haben, werden alle drei Jahre von [...]

Octopus Song now online!

We are so excited! To our knowledge, this is the first ever song for premature infants and the little octopus they get in the NICU. It is inspired by «Octopus for a preemie Switzerland». We have released this song [...]

amiamusica goes viral on YouTube!

Wow! What happened? Two years ago we shared a video on YouTube with Ellie singing for her little brother who was born prematurely. Their mother wrote a short blog for amiamusica and the wonderful video is showing all the love [...]

Von |2021-02-18T14:21:39+00:00Februar 17th, 2021|Kategorien: Alles zu Musik|Tags: , , , |0 Kommentare

Magic music moment with premature children singing

What a challenging year 2020 has been. Let us face forward with hope and confidence. We are grateful for all the heartwarming contributions this year, all the contributions and music with and for families of preterm infants. Thus, amiamusica [...]

Time together – a program to support parents of preterm babies in hospitals

How do we help parents feel confident in their role as their baby’s primary carer and nurturer? And, how can music therapists make what they know, acceptable and user-friendly for parents? To adress these two key concerns, Helen Shoemark, [...]

Sharing moments of joy for parents with premature infants

It has been a while since our last blog post. We have been busy preparing exciting stuff, so stay tuned! In the meantime, Magdalena, a member of amiamusica’s board, shares encouraging moments of her life with her prematurely born daughter [...]

Lieblingslied 3 «When the time has come»

Moving and touching songs. Empowering and motivating songs. Here is one of our favorite tunes. And a catchy tune as well. This time on air: The father of a preterm child and musician Nils Burri with a song from his recent [...]

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