The global theme of this year’s World Prematurity Day is «Together for babies born too soon – Caring for the future». Is there a better way to share love and care for others than with music? Thus, amiamusica wants to share a Swiss musical moment for parents of premature respectively ill infants all over the world.

«’S isch mer alles ei Ding» – Swiss traditional folk song

The traditional song «’S isch mer alles ei Ding» from Switzerland may provide comfort in challenging times. And be a signal that music and love in one’s heart is a way towards a brighter future. Or simply put: «music heals, music connects and music gives strength».

Sharing is caring – stay up-to-date!

Please feel free to share our video to loved ones and parents as well as children who may enjoy it. And let us know what songs you like! And make sure to stay in touch by using our newsletter.


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