Chic radeln für eine gute Sache!

Macht Euch parat für miles4amiamusica 2021. Bis 15. Juli 2021 könnt Ihr eine Special Edition an Trikots bestellen und so das neue Oktopus-Liederbuch für Frühgeborene unterstützen. Vom 30. August bis 15. September 2021 heisst es dann Meilen strampeln und [...]

Von |2021-11-08T18:13:53+00:00Juni 21st, 2021|Kategorien: Allgemein|Tags: , , , |2 Kommentare

Magic music moment with premature children singing

What a challenging year 2020 has been. Let us face forward with hope and confidence. We are grateful for all the heartwarming contributions this year, all the contributions and music with and for families of preterm infants. Thus, amiamusica [...]

World Prematurity Day 2020 – a musical moment for babies born too soon

The global theme of this year's World Prematurity Day is «Together for babies born too soon – Caring for the future». Is there a better way to share love and care for others than with music? Thus, amiamusica wants [...]

Music therapy for premature infants in Finland

Our first-ever international blog! Kaisamari shares her experiences as a music therapist in Finland working with premature infants and their parents. Find out more about family-centered care on neonatal wards in Finland and how Kaisamari shapes individual therapy sessions, [...]

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