November 17th 2018 is World Prematurity Day. amiamusica is joining activities for this event, which was initiated by the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants EFCNI and partnering European parent organisations in 2008. With #miles4amiamusica, we want to raise awareness for the situation of premature infants and their parents in neonatal care as well as the power of music in supporting them. Find out more about how to join us and here are some impressions «from the road»…
Six more days to World Prematurity Day
The countdown is on! In six days is World Prematurity Day. November 17th is one of the most important days in the year to raise awareness for the challenges and burden of preterm birth globally.
2018 is a special year because it is the 10th anniversary since the foundation of World Prematurity Day in 2008. Why is this day so important? Because one baby in ten is born premature – worldwide! And these premature infants and their families go through tough times.
Premature birth – a «tour de force»
Enduring the challenges in neonatal care is tough for preterm infants and their parents. For them, it is a «tour de force», a «marathon».
In order to support premature infants and parents amiamusica has launched a charity ride and run to fundraise for new empowerment music tools ( international lullaby books, soundcloud, music app). Together with the EFCNI (European Foundation for the care of newborn infant), the University Hospital Zurich, and the University Hospital Bern we warmly invite you to join us this day with our charity activity miles4amiamusica.
Impressions from miles4amiamusica
How you can help
We are grateful for your support in raising awareness for preterm infants and their parents. Donations will be a contribution to use music as an empowering resource for life! No matter how much time, money or manpower you can spare – together we can make a difference!
For more information, please visit our miles4amiamusica-website!
In Germany, the Bundesverband «Das Frühgeborene Kind» e.V. has joined EFCNI in supporting this campaign. They have even created the first «premature» web font called «early type».

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