World Prematurity Day 2020 – a musical moment for babies born too soon

The global theme of this year's World Prematurity Day is «Together for babies born too soon – Caring for the future». Is there a better way to share love and care for others than with music? Thus, amiamusica wants [...]

5000 Kilometer für amiamusica

Was für ein wunderbares 2018! Mit Eurer Unterstützung wurden über 5000 Kilometer für amiamusica und über 2000 Franken in nur vier Monaten gesammelt. Als kleines Dankeschön gibt es hier ein paar Impressionen per Youtube-Video! Unsere amiamusica-Version von «500 miles [...]

Countdown World Prematurity Day 2018

November 17th 2018 is World Prematurity Day. amiamusica is joining activities for this event, which was initiated by the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants EFCNI and partnering European parent organisations in 2008. With #miles4amiamusica, we want [...]

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