Little One, Little One

My baby boy arrived a little early, and little. He was ‘classified’ as very preterm, with a ‘VLBW’ (very low birth weight). He entered the world at 29+6 weeks. In the months that followed I had never felt so [...]

Musiktherapie auf der Neonatologie – Ein Erfahrungsbericht

Musik spielte in unserem bisherigen Leben nicht so eine grosse Rolle. Wir würden uns auch nicht als musikalisch bezeichnen - womöglich auch aus mangelndem Talent. Die Geburt unseres Sohnes hat dies verändert. Nic kam zu früh auf die Welt [...]

Little Stardust Dancer – Tanzendes Sternenkind

Manchmal hat das Leben schon besondere Momente und Begegnungen parat. Am Sonntag Morgen in Melbourne beim Spaziergang über einen Farmer's Market hören wir Musik. Eine junges Paar mit Kindern musiziert, der Junge spielt Violine, die Eltern singen wunderbar in [...]

Time together – a program to support parents of preterm babies in hospitals

How do we help parents feel confident in their role as their baby’s primary carer and nurturer? And, how can music therapists make what they know, acceptable and user-friendly for parents? To adress these two key concerns, Helen Shoemark, [...]

Sharing moments of joy for parents with premature infants

It has been a while since our last blog post. We have been busy preparing exciting stuff, so stay tuned! In the meantime, Magdalena, a member of amiamusica’s board, shares encouraging moments of her life with her prematurely born daughter [...]

Music therapy for premature infants in Finland

Our first-ever international blog! Kaisamari shares her experiences as a music therapist in Finland working with premature infants and their parents. Find out more about family-centered care on neonatal wards in Finland and how Kaisamari shapes individual therapy sessions, [...]

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