Little One, Little One

My baby boy arrived a little early, and little. He was ‘classified’ as very preterm, with a ‘VLBW’ (very low birth weight). He entered the world at 29+6 weeks. In the months that followed I had never felt so [...]

Musiktherapie auf der Neonatologie – Ein Erfahrungsbericht

Musik spielte in unserem bisherigen Leben nicht so eine grosse Rolle. Wir würden uns auch nicht als musikalisch bezeichnen - womöglich auch aus mangelndem Talent. Die Geburt unseres Sohnes hat dies verändert. Nic kam zu früh auf die Welt [...]

Little Stardust Dancer – Tanzendes Sternenkind

Manchmal hat das Leben schon besondere Momente und Begegnungen parat. Am Sonntag Morgen in Melbourne beim Spaziergang über einen Farmer's Market hören wir Musik. Eine junges Paar mit Kindern musiziert, der Junge spielt Violine, die Eltern singen wunderbar in [...]

Unser Musikmoment 2022 – amiamusica am Frühgeborenenfest

Anfang September 2022 veranstaltete das UniversitätSpital Zürich zusammen mit den Spitälern Zollikerberg und Triemli erneut das Frühgeborenenfest. Ein Event, der das Leben kleiner Superheldinnen und -helden feiert. Familien, deren Kinder den Start ins Leben auf der Neonatologie verbracht haben, werden alle drei Jahre von [...]

Octopus Song now online!

We are so excited! To our knowledge, this is the first ever song for premature infants and the little octopus they get in the NICU. It is inspired by «Octopus for a preemie Switzerland». We have released this song [...]

amiamusica goes viral on YouTube!

Wow! What happened? Two years ago we shared a video on YouTube with Ellie singing for her little brother who was born prematurely. Their mother wrote a short blog for amiamusica and the wonderful video is showing all the love [...]

Von |2021-02-18T14:21:39+00:00Februar 17th, 2021|Kategorien: Alles zu Musik|Tags: , , , |0 Kommentare

Magic music moment with premature children singing

What a challenging year 2020 has been. Let us face forward with hope and confidence. We are grateful for all the heartwarming contributions this year, all the contributions and music with and for families of preterm infants. Thus, amiamusica [...]

World Prematurity Day 2020 – a musical moment for babies born too soon

The global theme of this year's World Prematurity Day is «Together for babies born too soon – Caring for the future». Is there a better way to share love and care for others than with music? Thus, amiamusica wants [...]

Music is love – our daughter singing for her preemie brother

Can you imagine to sing for someone when everything around you is noisy and technical? When other people are talking which might disturb you? Could you then channel all your emotions and love for that person into one song? [...]

Von |2018-12-23T19:27:03+00:00Dezember 24th, 2018|Kategorien: Eltern-Kolumne, Portrait|Tags: , , , |4 Kommentare
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